Bank owned homes are normally sold straight to the buyer through a special department in the bank. The good thing about getting involved with REO properties is that you can purchase them at a price that is lower than the market rate but at the same time it also means having to pay for repairs without which the property might not be in a liveable condition. However, some REO properties might actually be in excellent condition though some can be in great disarray and will require serious renovation.
As with other forms of real estate investing, so too with REO Properties it is necessary to scrutinise these properties carefully before investing your money in them. To know more about these properties, be sure to check out some real estate webinars.
Unless you are confident that you have the skills that a handyman investor has, you should think about investing your money in REO Properties. Even so the process of purchasing such properties is no different than buying properties that are listed through real estate agents. The only difference is that REO properties are owned by banks and not individuals.